var spacex = angular.module('spacex', []); spacex.config(['$sceDelegateProvider', '$compileProvider', function ($sceDelegateProvider, $compileProvider) { $sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist(['self', /http:\/\/dz0bwiwndcjbh\.cloudfront\.net/]); $compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(http|https|data):/); }]); function wid_to_gid(wid) { return parseInt(String(wid),36)^31578 } function gid_to_wid(gid) { return parseInt((gid^31578)).toString(36); } var sheet_table = { // List of sheet keys that contain MMBs for specific parts 1:"1sVwOkxW6tBq7CcqmXBOkb9frlgdocUyRplvk05v6seg", 2:"1w5LCJxUDSF1yILkDppSXMkiL1Li2K89dbRRIGv4A_6I", 3:"1O_p3hofqWaMTDJYRYKM0if4Xv64av4JBIkEmReLXytA", 4:"1mE469DE0zUGy9iuySWWQGgFDt2HC5ke4hUy_posFp4o", 5:"1b4kaKBYUx8iI7-__15H5CEr4_73tXaXlIwPa2gPj8Fo", 6:"1YJXUI6-hOJsPsuZr1t1kJ-iSNcI26sFl_gEMShvi1Hk", 7:"1dIFfIZWXZRea72AI6R9thDxv5r5cPWbXgkvquCcXSIQ", 8:"18vhTHN6WUB5dKhJEGGi_MASHbmAsaoIohAFvpFZT7vk", 9:"11zI2scQWLdat_qRL3zlm-h4QznfOiF_18hByEt9xiyo", 10:"1JkT-RmkcrClqAG_6cWnG5VrQUYSmggdA19jc2CRDlcU", 11:"1XzqmeR0Ylxmdk_nKBG4jmbfXnQSNaJ5v0b4d9qXZgms", 12:"1Ez8lX_-KfY6dbMKVokPnkPjdOp3K3PARNfYSsmHjA-g", 13:"15lyFN4FYJ3uyLibJL2TKouZBcnpIaYSsw293HljH6So", 14:"1b1hQ1as-MJ6C3rBfuAIpKnemEjcVtBo7d_HPRFyWBt8", 15:"19-dfEOiOy2L1RpFtDT8v5d7DPjt7g9xUL5KeUc3zfOU" }; function getFrameDetails(frame){ frame = parseInt(frame,10); var part = Math.ceil((frame)/20); var index = (frame - ((part-1)*20)) - 1; return { 'number':frame, 'index':index, 'part':part } } function parseSheetData(frame,data){ var f = getFrameDetails(frame); var result = { 'status':0, 'message':'unknown' }; var mmbkey = 'gsx$latestmmbcode'; if(data['feed'] && data['feed']['entry'] && data['feed']['entry'][0][mmbkey]){ var framemmb = '', mmbs = []; for(var i in data['feed']['entry']){ var entry = data['feed']['entry'][i]; //console.log(entry); var mmb = entry[mmbkey]['$t'].trim(); if(mmb.length && i < 20){ if(i == f.index){ framemmb = mmb; } } mmbs.push(mmb); } if(!mmbs.length){ result['message'] = 'No MMBs currently entered for part '+f.part; } else { result['status'] = 1; result['message'] = 'success'; result['framemmb'] = framemmb; result['globalmmb'] = mmbs; } } else { result['message'] = 'Unable to parse MMBs from sheet '+f.part; } return result; } function getSheetUrl(frame, editUrl){ var f = getFrameDetails(frame); if(editUrl){ return ''+sheet_table[f.part]+'/edit#gid=0'; } else { return ''+sheet_table[f.part]+'/'+gid_to_wid(0)+'/public/values?alt=json-in-script&callback=JSON_CALLBACK'; } } function opIsValid(op) { if (op.__type == 'macro_block_op') { if (parseInt(op.x) < 0) { return false; } if (parseInt(op.y) < 0) { return false; } if (isNaN(parseInt(op.pos)) || parseInt(op.pos) < -4) { return false; } if (op.l1 != undefined && op.l1 != null && isNaN(parseInt(op.l1))) { return false; } if (op.l2 != undefined && op.l2 != null && isNaN(parseInt(op.l2))) { return false; } if (op.l3 != undefined && op.l3 != null && isNaN(parseInt(op.l3))) { return false; } if (op.l4 != undefined && op.l4 != null && isNaN(parseInt(op.l4))) { return false; } if (op.c1 != undefined && op.c1 != null && isNaN(parseInt(op.c1))) { return false; } if (op.c2 != undefined && op.c2 != null && isNaN(parseInt(op.c2))) { return false; } if (op.dir != undefined && op.dir != null && (isNaN(parseInt(op.dir)) || parseInt(op.dir) < 0 || parseInt(op.dir) > 63)) { return false; } return true; } else { if (op.__type == 'xor_bitpos') { if (isNaN(parseInt(op.pos)) || parseInt(op.pos) < 0) { return false; } if (!/^[0-9a-f]{1,2}$/i.test(maskToHex(op.mask))) { return false; } return true; } } return false; } function pad(num, p) { if (p === undefined) { p = 2; } var s = num + ""; while (s.length < p) s = "0" + s; return s; } function isNullOrEmpty(string) { return string === undefined || string === null || string === '' || string === '0' || string === 0; } function formatGlobalMmb(value, isolateFrame, currentScrubPosition) { var ret = ''; var first = true; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var mmb = formatMMB(value[i]); if (isolateFrame && !mmb && i < currentScrubPosition) { mmb = '0:0:-1'; } if (mmb != null && mmb != '') { if (!first) { ret += '='; } ret += 'FRAME' + i + ':' + mmb; first = false; } } return ret; } function formatMMB(val) { var mmb = []; if (val) { angular.forEach(val.globalOperations, function (op, i) { if (op.__type == 'xor_bitpos' && opIsValid(op)) { var pos = op.pos; mmb.push('X:' + pos + ':' + maskToHex(op.mask)); }; }); angular.forEach(val.macroblockOperations, function (row, l) { if (row) { angular.forEach(row, function (op, c) { if (op) { if (op.__type == 'macro_block_op' && opIsValid(op)) { var command = c + ':' + l + ':' + op.pos; if (isNullOrEmpty(op.l1) && isNullOrEmpty(op.l2) && isNullOrEmpty(op.l3) && isNullOrEmpty(op.l4) && isNullOrEmpty(op.c1) && isNullOrEmpty(op.c2)) { if (op.dir) { command += '::' + op.dir; } } else { command += ':' + (isNullOrEmpty(op.l1) ? '0' : op.l1); command += ':' + (isNullOrEmpty(op.l2) ? '0' : op.l2); command += ':' + (isNullOrEmpty(op.l3) ? '0' : op.l3); command += ':' + (isNullOrEmpty(op.l4) ? '0' : op.l4); command += ':' + (isNullOrEmpty(op.c1) ? '0' : op.c1); command += ':' + (isNullOrEmpty(op.c2) ? '0' : op.c2); if (op.dir) { command += ':' + op.dir; } } mmb.push(command); }; }; }); } }); } return mmb.join(","); } var mbOp = /^([0-9]+):([0-9]+):(-1|-2|-3|-4|[0-9]+)(?::(-?[0-9]+)?)?(?::(-?[0-9]+)?)?(?::(-?[0-9]+)?)?(?::(-?[0-9]+)?)?(?::(-?[0-9]+)?)?(?::(-?[0-9]+)?)?(?::(-?[0-9]+)?)?$/; var mbOpDirOnly = /^([0-9]+):([0-9]+):(-1|-2|-3|-4|[0-9]+)::([0-9]+)$/; var reXor = /^x:([0-9]+):([0-9a-f]{1,2})$/i; function parseMMBPart(op) { if (mbOpDirOnly.test(op)) { var matches = mbOpDirOnly.exec(op); var x = parseInt(matches[1]); var y = parseInt(matches[2]); var pos = parseInt(matches[3]); var dir = parseInt(matches[4]); var ret = { __type: 'macro_block_op', x: x, y: y, pos: pos, dir: dir }; return ret; } else if (mbOp.test(op)) { var matches = mbOp.exec(op); var x = parseInt(matches[1]); var y = parseInt(matches[2]); var pos = parseInt(matches[3]); var ret = { __type: 'macro_block_op', x: x, y: y, pos: pos }; if (matches[4]) { ret.l1 = parseInt(matches[4]); } if (matches[5]) { ret.l2 = parseInt(matches[5]); } if (matches[6]) { ret.l3 = parseInt(matches[6]); } if (matches[7]) { ret.l4 = parseInt(matches[7]); } if (matches[8]) { ret.c1 = parseInt(matches[8]); } if (matches[9]) { ret.c2 = parseInt(matches[9]); } if (matches[10]) { ret.dir = parseInt(matches[10]); } return ret; } else if (reXor.test(op)) { var matches = reXor.exec(op); var pos = parseInt(matches[1]); var bin = parseInt(matches[2], 16).toString(2).substring(0, 8); var ret = { __type: 'xor_bitpos', pos: pos, mask: { } }; var len = bin.length; for (var i = 0; i < bin.length; i++) { ret.mask['b' + ((len- 1) - i)] = bin[i] == '1'; } return ret; } return null; } function parseGlobalMMB(frame) { var ret = []; ret.push(parseMMB(frame.mmb)); for (var i = 0; i < frame.pFrames.length; i++) { ret.push(parseMMB(frame.pFrames[i].mmb)); } return ret; } function parseMMB(mmbString) { var parts = mmbString == null ? '' : mmbString.replace(/\n/g, '').split(','); var val = { globalOperations: [], macroblockOperations: [] }; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var op = parseMMBPart(parts[i].replace(' ', '')); if (op == null) { continue; } switch (op.__type) { case 'macro_block_op': if (!val.macroblockOperations[op.y]) { val.macroblockOperations[op.y] = []; } val.macroblockOperations[op.y][op.x] = op; break; case 'xor_bitpos': val.globalOperations.push(op); break; } } return val; } spacex.directive('parseMmb', [function () { return { link: function ($scope, element, attributes, ngModel) { $scope.$watch(attributes.ngModel, function (newVal) { element[0].value = formatMMB(newVal); }, true); ngModel.$formatters.push(function (value) { return formatMMB(value); }); ngModel.$parsers.push(function (value) { return parseMMB(value); }); }, require: 'ngModel' }; } ]); spacex.directive('parseGlobalMmb', [function () { return { link: function ($scope, element, attributes, ngModel) { $scope.$watch(attributes.ngModel, function (newVal) { element[0].value = formatGlobalMmb(newVal); }, true); ngModel.$formatters.push(function (value) { return formatGlobalMmb(value); }); ngModel.$parsers.push(function (value) { var parts = value.replace(/\s/g, '').split('='); var ret = []; var i; // We're going to fill the array with 20 empty mmbs first for (i = 0; i < $; i++) { ret[i] = parseMMB(null); } for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var frame = parseInt(parts[i].replace(/FRAME([0-9]+):.+/, '$1')); parts[i] = parts[i].replace(/FRAME[0-9]+:/, ''); ret[frame] = parseMMB(parts[i]); } return ret; }); }, require: 'ngModel' }; } ]); spacex.directive('scrubber', [function () { return { link: function ($scope, element, attributes) { var scrubHandle = element.find('#scrubHandle'); var enabled = true; $scope.$watch('data.isolateFrame', function (newVal) { enabled = !newVal; if (enabled) { element.removeClass('disabled'); } else { element.addClass('disabled'); } }); $scope.$watch('data.currentFrameImages.length', function () { scrubHandle.width(element.width() / ($; }); scrubHandle.width(element.width() / $; $scope.$watch('data.currentScrubPosition', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal != oldVal) { var left = newVal * scrubHandle.width(); scrubHandle.css({ left: left }); } }); function setPosition(pageX) { var left = pageX - element.offset().left - (scrubHandle.width() / 2); var frame = Math.round(left / element.width() * ($; if (frame < 0) { frame = 0; } else if (frame > $ { frame = $; } left = frame * (element.width() / $; if (left < 0) { left = 0; } else if (left > element.width() - scrubHandle.width()) { left = element.width() - scrubHandle.width(); } scrubHandle.css({ left: left }); $scope.$apply(function () { $ = frame; }); } element.bind('click', function (e) { if (!enabled) { return; } setPosition(e.pageX); }); scrubHandle.bind('mousedown.scrubber', function (e) { if (!enabled) { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $(window).bind('mousemove.scrubber', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); setPosition(e.pageX); }); $(window).bind('mouseup', function () { $(window).unbind('mousemove.scrubber'); }); }); } }; } ]); function maskToHex(mask) { var val = 0; if (mask.b0) { val += 1; } if (mask.b1) { val += 2; } if (mask.b2) { val += 4; } if (mask.b3) { val += 8; } if (mask.b4) { val += 16; } if (mask.b5) { val += 32; } if (mask.b6) { val += 64; } if (mask.b7) { val += 128; } return pad(val.toString(16).toUpperCase()); } spacex.directive('bitmask', function () { return { link: function ($scope, element, attributes, ngModel) { function format(value) { return maskToHex(value); } $scope.$watch(attributes.ngModel, function (newVal) { element[0].value = format(newVal); }, true); ngModel.$formatters.push(format); ngModel.$parsers.push(function (value) { var bin = parseInt(value, 16).toString(2).substring(0, 8); var ret = {}; for (var i = 0; i < bin.length; i++) { ret['b' + (7 - i)] = bin[i] == '1'; } return ret; }); }, require: 'ngModel' }; }); spacex.directive('macroblockSelector', ['$compile', function ($compile) { return { link: function ($scope, element, attributes) { element.bind('click', function (event) { var imgTop = Math.floor((event.pageY - $(this).offset().top) / 16); var imgLeft = Math.floor((event.pageX - $(this).offset().left) / 16);{ top: imgTop * 16, left: imgLeft * 16 }); $scope.$apply(function () { $ = { x: imgLeft, y: imgTop }; }); }); $scope.$watch('data', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal.selectedMacroBlock) {{ top: newVal.selectedMacroBlock.y * 16, left: newVal.selectedMacroBlock.x * 16 }); } else { blockSelected.hide(); } }, true); var blockCursor = $compile('
')($scope); var blockSelected = $compile('
')($scope); element.append(blockSelected); element.append(blockCursor); element.bind('mouseenter', function (event) {; }); element.bind('mouseleave', function (event) { blockCursor.hide(); }); element.bind('mousemove', function (event) { var imgTop = Math.floor((event.pageY - element.offset().top) / 16); var imgLeft = Math.floor((event.pageX - element.offset().left) / 16); blockCursor.css({ top: imgTop * 16, left: imgLeft * 16 }); }); }, scope: { data: '=macroblockSelector' } }; } ]); spacex.directive('macroblockOperation', ['$compile', function ($compile) { return { link: function ($scope, element, attributes) { $scope.$watch('op.__visible', function(newVal){ if ($scope.op.__selfShown) { $scope.op.__selfShown = false; } else if (newVal) { var offsetTop = element.offset().top; if(offsetTop - 100 < 0){ offsetTop = 0; } else { offsetTop = offsetTop - 100; } $('#operations').scrollTop(offsetTop); } }); }, controller:'MacroblockController' }; } ]); spacex.directive('imageLegend', ['$compile', function ($compile) { return { link: function ($scope, element, attributes) { function updateErrorBlocks() { element.find('.blockError').remove(); var frame = $; if ($[frame]) { for (var y = 0; y < $; y++) { if ($[frame][y]) { for (var x = 0; x < $[frame][y].length; x++) { if ($[frame][y][x]) { var errDiv = $compile('
')($scope); errDiv.css({ left: x * 16, top: y * 16 }); element.append(errDiv); } } } } } } $scope.$watch('data.currentImageError', function (newVal) { updateErrorBlocks(); }, true); $scope.$watch('data.currentScrubPosition', function (newVal) { updateErrorBlocks(); }, true); } }; } ]); spacex.factory('imgService', ['$http', '$q', function ($http, $q) { var basePath = ''; //basePath = 'http://localhost:59000'; return { getVersion: function () { return $http({ method: 'GET', url: '' // Bypass the CDN otherwise the version gets cached which kinda defeats the object }).then(function (result) { return; }); }, getFrames: function () { return $http({ method: 'GET', url: './data.json' }).then(function (result) { return; }); }, getFramesInfo: function (selectedFrame, version, mmb) { return $http({ method: 'GET', url: basePath + '/splodge/' + selectedFrame + '?v=' + version + '&mmb=' + mmb }).then(function (result) { return; }); }, getAppVersion: function () { return $http({ method: 'GET', url: './version.json' }).then(function (result) { return; }); }, getFramesLog: function (selectedFrame, version, mmb) { return $http({ method: 'GET', url: basePath + '/splodge/info/' + selectedFrame + '?v=' + version + '&mmb=' + mmb }).then(function (result) { return; }); } }; } ]); spacex.factory("preloader", function ($q, $rootScope) { function Preloader(imageLocations) { this.imageLocations = imageLocations; this.imageCount = this.imageLocations.length; this.loadCount = 0; this.errorCount = 0; this.states = { PENDING: 1, LOADING: 2, RESOLVED: 3, REJECTED: 4 }; this.state = this.states.PENDING; this.deferred = $q.defer(); this.promise = this.deferred.promise; } Preloader.preloadImages = function (imageLocations) { var preloader = new Preloader(imageLocations); return (preloader.load()); }; Preloader.prototype = { constructor: Preloader, isInitiated: function isInitiated() { return (this.state !== this.states.PENDING); }, isRejected: function isRejected() { return (this.state === this.states.REJECTED); }, isResolved: function isResolved() { return (this.state === this.states.RESOLVED); }, load: function load() { if (this.isInitiated()) { return (this.promise); } this.state = this.states.LOADING; for (var i = 0; i < this.imageCount; i++) { this.loadImageLocation(this.imageLocations[i]); } return (this.promise); }, handleImageError: function handleImageError(imageLocation) { this.errorCount++; if (this.isRejected()) { return; } this.state = this.states.REJECTED; this.deferred.reject(imageLocation); }, handleImageLoad: function handleImageLoad(imageLocation) { this.loadCount++; if (this.isRejected()) { return; } this.deferred.notify({ percent: Math.ceil(this.loadCount / this.imageCount * 100), imageLocation: imageLocation }); if (this.loadCount === this.imageCount) { this.state = this.states.RESOLVED; this.deferred.resolve(this.imageLocations); } }, loadImageLocation: function loadImageLocation(imageLocation) { var preloader = this; var image = $(new Image()).load(function (event) { $rootScope.$apply(function () { preloader.handleImageLoad(; preloader = image = event = null; }); }).error(function (event) { $rootScope.$apply(function () { preloader.handleImageError(; preloader = image = event = null; }); }).prop("src", imageLocation); } }; return (Preloader); }); spacex.factory('mmbLoader', ['$http', '$q', function ($http, $q) { return { sheetFromFrame: function (frame) { var url = getSheetUrl(frame); //console.log(url); return $http({ method: 'JSONP', url: url }).then(function (result) { //console.log(result); return parseSheetData(frame,; }); } }; } ]); function AppController($scope, $q, imgService, preloader, mmbLoader, $timeout) { $scope.loaded = false; $scope.lastCommandChanged = null; $scope.reloadApp = function () { location.reload(); }; var versionCheckSeconds = 60; function checkVersion() { imgService.getAppVersion().then(function (version) { if (version > $scope.appVersion) { $scope.newVersionAvailable = true; } else { $timeout(checkVersion, versionCheckSeconds * 1000); } }); } var updateFramesMinutes = 10; function updateFrames() { imgService.getFrames().then(function (result) { for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { for (var f = 0; f < $scope.frames.length; f++) { if ($scope.frames[f].frame == result[i].frame && $scope.frames[f] !== $ { // Copy the latest MMBs across $scope.frames[f].mmb = result[i].mmb; for (var pn = 0; pn < result[i].pFrames.length; pn++) { for (var p = 0; p < $scope.frames[f].pFrames.length; p++) { if ($scope.frames[f].pFrames[p].id == result[i].pFrames[pn].id) { $scope.frames[f].pFrames[p].mmb = result[i].pFrames[pn].mmb; } } } } } } $timeout(updateFrames, updateFramesMinutes * 60000); }); } $q.all([ imgService.getVersion(), imgService.getAppVersion(), imgService.getFrames()] ).then(function (result) { $scope.version = result[0]; $scope.newVersionAvailable = false; $scope.appVersion = result[1]; $scope.frames = result[2]; $timeout(updateFrames, updateFramesMinutes * 60000); $scope.loaded = true; $timeout(checkVersion, versionCheckSeconds * 1000); }); $ = { mmb: [ { globalOperations: [], macroblockOperations: [] } ], selectedFrame: null, selectedMacroBlock: null, currentScrubPosition: 0, currentFrameImages: [], currentImageInfo: [], currentImageError: [], errorCount: 0, showLegend: false }; $scope.$watch('data.selectedFrame', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { $ = false; $ = 0; $ = parseGlobalMMB(newVal); $scope.updateImage(); } }, true); $scope.$watch('data.currentScrubPosition', function() { $scope.selectScrubbedFrame(); }); $scope.$watch('data.mmb', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { if ($ { updateIsolateFrame(); } else { $scope.updateImage(); } } }, true); $scope.asMMB = function(val){ return formatMMB(val); } $scope.loadFrameMmb = function(){ if(formatMMB($[$]).length && !confirm("This will overwrite your current MMB. Are you sure?")){ return; } var frame = $ + $; mmbLoader.sheetFromFrame(frame).then(function(result){ //console.log(result); //console.log($[$]); if(result.status){ if(!result.framemmb.length){ alert('Frame '+frame+' currently has no MMB. You should make one!'); } else{ $[$] = parseMMB(result.framemmb); } } else { alert(result.message); } }); } $scope.loadGlobalMmb = function(){ if(formatGlobalMmb($ && !confirm("This will overwrite your current segement MMBs. Are you sure?")){ return; } var frame = $ + $; mmbLoader.sheetFromFrame(frame).then(function(result){ //console.log(result); if(result.status){ for(var i in result.globalmmb){ $[i] = parseMMB(result.globalmmb[i]); } } else { alert(result.message); } }); } $scope.openSegmentSheet = function(){$ + $, true),'_blank'); } $scope.rotateMaskLeft = function (mask) { var shifted = mask.b7; mask.b7 = mask.b6; mask.b6 = mask.b5; mask.b5 = mask.b4; mask.b4 = mask.b3; mask.b3 = mask.b2; mask.b2 = mask.b1; mask.b1 = mask.b0; mask.b0 = shifted; }; $scope.invertMask = function (mask) { mask.b0 = !mask.b0; mask.b1 = !mask.b1; mask.b2 = !mask.b2; mask.b3 = !mask.b3; mask.b4 = !mask.b4; mask.b5 = !mask.b5; mask.b6 = !mask.b6; mask.b7 = !mask.b7; }; $scope.rotateMaskRight = function (mask) { var shifted = mask.b0; mask.b0 = mask.b1; mask.b1 = mask.b2; mask.b2 = mask.b3; mask.b3 = mask.b4; mask.b4 = mask.b5; mask.b5 = mask.b6; mask.b6 = mask.b7; mask.b7 = shifted; }; $scope.playing = false; var fps = 15; function gotoNextFrame() { if ($ == $ { $ = 0; } else { $; } if ($scope.playing) { $timeout(gotoNextFrame, 1000 / fps); } } $scope.togglePlaying = function () { if ($scope.playing) { $scope.playing = false; } else { $scope.playing = true; gotoNextFrame(); } }; //var currentImageUrl; $scope.selectScrubbedFrame = function() { $scope.imagePath = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + $[$]; }; $scope.$watch('data.isolateFrame', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal == oldVal) { return; } if (newVal) { currentIsolateKey = null; updateIsolateFrame(); } else { currentImageKey = null; $scope.updateImage(); } }); var currentIsolateKey; function updateIsolateFrame() { var mmbCopy = angular.copy($; for (var i = 0; i < mmbCopy.length; i++) { if (i != $ { mmbCopy[i] = undefined; } } var mmbString = formatGlobalMmb(mmbCopy, true, $; var isolateKey = $ + '_' + mmbString; if (currentIsolateKey != isolateKey) { currentIsolateKey = isolateKey; $scope.showSpinner = true; imgService.getFramesInfo($, $scope.version, mmbString).then(function(data) { $ = data; $scope.selectScrubbedFrame(); $scope.showSpinner = false; }); imgService.getFramesLog($, $scope.version, mmbString).then(function(result) { $ = result; parseInfo(result); }); } } var currentImageKey; $scope.updateImage = function () { if (!$ { $scope.imagePath = null; return; } var mmbString = formatGlobalMmb($; var imageKey = $ + mmbString; if (currentImageKey !== imageKey) { $scope.showSpinner = true; currentImageKey = imageKey; imgService.getFramesInfo($, $scope.version, mmbString).then(function (data) { $ = data; $scope.selectScrubbedFrame(); $scope.showSpinner = false; }); imgService.getFramesLog($, $scope.version, mmbString).then(function (result) { $ = result; parseInfo(result); }); } }; $scope.addInvertBits = function () { removeEmptyMacroblocks(); $[$].globalOperations.push({ __type: 'xor_bitpos', mask: { b0: true, b1: false, b2: false, b3: false, b4: false, b5: false, b6: false, b7: false } }); }; $scope.getMacroblockOperations = function () { var ret = []; for (y = 0; y < $[$].macroblockOperations.length; y++) { if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[y]) { continue; } for (x = 0; x < $[$].macroblockOperations[y].length; x++) { if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[y][x]) { continue; } ret.push($[$].macroblockOperations[y][x]); } } return ret; }; $scope.showMb = function (op) { if (op.__visible) { return; } for (y = 0; y < $[$].macroblockOperations.length; y++) { if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[y]) { continue; } for (x = 0; x < $[$].macroblockOperations[y].length; x++) { if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[y][x]) { continue; } $[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].__visible = false; } } op.__visible = true; op.__selfShown = true; $ = { x: op.x, y: op.y }; }; $scope.removeGlobalOp = function (op) { if ($[$].globalOperations.indexOf(op) > -1) { $[$].globalOperations.splice($[$].globalOperations.indexOf(op), 1); } }; $scope.removeMb = function (op) { if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[op.y]) { return; } if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[op.y][op.x]) { return; } $[$].macroblockOperations[op.y][op.x] = undefined; }; function removeEmptyMacroblocks() { // Remove any completely empty macroblock operations for (y = 0; y < $[$].macroblockOperations.length; y++) { if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[y]) { continue; } for (x = 0; x < $[$].macroblockOperations[y].length; x++) { if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[y][x]) { continue; } if ($[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].__type == 'macro_block_op') { if ($[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].pos != null && $[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].pos != '') { continue; } if ($[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].l1 != null && $[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].l1 != '') { continue; } if ($[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].l2 != null && $[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].l2 != '') { continue; } if ($[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].l3 != null && $[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].l3 != '') { continue; } if ($[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].l4 != null && $[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].l4 != '') { continue; } if ($[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].c1 != null && $[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].c1 != '') { continue; } if ($[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].c2 != null && $[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].c2 != '') { continue; } $[$].macroblockOperations[y][x] = undefined; } } } } $scope.$watch('data.selectedMacroBlock', function (newVal) { removeEmptyMacroblocks(); if(!newVal) { return; } for (y = 0; y < $[$].macroblockOperations.length; y++) { if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[y]) { continue; } for (x = 0; x < $[$].macroblockOperations[y].length; x++) { if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[y][x]) { continue; } $[$].macroblockOperations[y][x].__visible = false; } } if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[newVal.y]) { $[$].macroblockOperations[newVal.y] = []; } if (!$[$].macroblockOperations[newVal.y][newVal.x]) { $[$].macroblockOperations[newVal.y][newVal.x] = { __type: 'macro_block_op', __visible: true, x: newVal.x, y: newVal.y }; } else { $[$].macroblockOperations[newVal.y][newVal.x].__visible = true; $[$].macroblockOperations[newVal.y][newVal.x].__selfShown = true; } }); //MB pos/size: 0 00:00:550 119 dc: 162 169 161 169 - 132 124 //MB pos/size: 0 002:10:02:2361 66 dc: -29 0 -29 0 - 0 0, MB_type: 12296, MV: -3 0 var infoRe = /MB pos\/size: (-?[0-9]) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) dc: (-?[0-9]+) (-?[0-9]+) (-?[0-9]+) (-?[0-9]+) - (-?[0-9]+) (-?[0-9]+).*/; var dcClippedRe = /dc clipped at ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)/; var cbpcDamagedRe = /I cbpc damaged at ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) [0-9]+/; var acTexDamagedRe = /ac-tex damaged at ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) [0-9]+/; var dQuantRe = /dquant at ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)/; var stuffingRe = /stuffing at ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)/; function addImageError(frame, x, y, err) { if (!$[frame]) { $[frame] = []; } if (!$[frame][y]) { $[frame][y] = []; } if (!$[frame][y][x]) { $[frame][y][x] = ''; } $[frame][y][x] += ', ' + err; if (!errorCount[frame]) { errorCount[frame] = 0; } errorCount[frame]++; } var currentImageInfo = []; var errorCount = []; function parseInfo(info) { var lines = info.split('\n'); currentImageInfo = []; $ = []; errorCount = []; var currentFrame = 0; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (infoRe.test(lines[i])) { var match = infoRe.exec(lines[i]); var s = parseInt(match[1]); var frame = currentFrame = parseInt(match[2]); var x = parseInt(match[3]); var y = parseInt(match[4]); var pos = parseInt(match[5]); var len = parseInt(match[6]); var dc1 = parseInt(match[7]); var dc2 = parseInt(match[8]); var dc3 = parseInt(match[9]); var dc4 = parseInt(match[10]); var dc5 = parseInt(match[11]); var dc6 = parseInt(match[12]); if (!currentImageInfo[frame]) { currentImageInfo[frame] = []; } if (!currentImageInfo[frame][y]) { currentImageInfo[frame][y] = []; } currentImageInfo[frame][y][x] = { s: s, frame: frame, pos: pos, len: len, dc1: dc1, dc2: dc2, dc3: dc3, dc4: dc4, dc5: dc5, dc6: dc6 }; } else if(dcClippedRe.test(lines[i])) { var match = dcClippedRe.exec(lines[i]); var x = parseInt(match[1]); var y = parseInt(match[2]); addImageError(currentFrame, x, y, match[0]); } else if (cbpcDamagedRe.test(lines[i])) { var match = cbpcDamagedRe.exec(lines[i]); var x = parseInt(match[1]); var y = parseInt(match[2]); addImageError(currentFrame, x, y, match[0]); } else if (acTexDamagedRe.test(lines[i])) { var match = acTexDamagedRe.exec(lines[i]); var x = parseInt(match[1]); var y = parseInt(match[2]); addImageError(currentFrame, x, y, match[0]); } else if (dQuantRe.test(lines[i])) { var match = dQuantRe.exec(lines[i]); var x = parseInt(match[1]); var y = parseInt(match[2]); addImageError(currentFrame, x, y, match[0]); } else if (stuffingRe.test(lines[i])) { var match = stuffingRe.exec(lines[i]); var x = parseInt(match[1]); var y = parseInt(match[2]); addImageError(currentFrame, x, y, match[0]); } } } $scope.getMBLogInfo = function (x, y) { var frame = $; if (!currentImageInfo[frame]) { return ''; } if (!currentImageInfo[frame][y]) { return ''; } if (!currentImageInfo[frame][y][x]) { return ''; } var block = currentImageInfo[frame][y][x]; return 'MB pos/size: ' + block.s + ' ' + pad(frame, 3) + ':' + pad(x) + ':' + pad(y) + ':' + block.pos + ' ' + block.len + ' dc: ' + block.dc1 + ' ' + block.dc2 + ' ' + block.dc3 + ' ' + block.dc4 + ' - ' + block.dc5 + ' ' + block.dc6; }; $scope.getMBErrorInfo = function (x, y) { var frame = $; if (!$[frame]) { return ''; } if (!$[frame][y]) { return ''; } if (!$[frame][y][x]) { return ''; } return $[frame][y][x]; }; $scope.getMBErrorCount = function () { var frame = $; if (!errorCount[frame]) { return ''; } return errorCount[frame]; }; $scope.$on("commandChanged", function (event) { var lastCommandChanged = event.targetScope; $scope.lastCommandChanged = lastCommandChanged; }); } spacex.controller('InvertBitsController', function ($scope) { $scope.$watch('op.pos', function (newValue, oldValue) { var delta = newValue-oldValue; $scope.preload = Math.abs(delta)==1; $ = delta; $scope.$emit("commandChanged"); }); }); spacex.controller('MacroblockController', function ($scope) { $scope.$watchCollection('[op.x, op.y, op.pos, op.l1, op.l2, op.l3, op.l4, op.c1, op.c2]', function (newValues, oldValues) { var preload = false; var deltas = []; for(var i=0; i